First Term Exam
Social Studies Exam Primary 2 (First Term)
This is the Social Studies Examination for Primary 2. The exam is set for First Term. Learn about Nigeria and her people in a defined culture. Do enjoy and share… Read more
Security Education Primary 2 (First Term)
This is the Security Education examination for Primary 2 scheduled for First Term. Learn a thing or two about the security of your locality. Enjoy and share with friends. Read more
Phonics Exam for Primary 2 (first term)
Develop your phonics. Take the Phonics Examination for Primary 2 scheduled for first term. Enjoy and share with friends. Read more
PVS History Exam Primary 2 (1st term)
This is a section of the Prevocational Studies for primary school 2. The examination is scheduled for 1st term. It entails topics on Nigeria history and unity. Do enjoy and… Read more
CRS Examination primary 2 (1st term)
This is the Christian Religious Studies Examination for primary 2 scheduled for the 1st term. It contains topics on prayers, and attitude and relationship with others. Do enjoy and share… Read more
Agric Science Exam Primary 2 (First Term)
Hello. This is the Agricultural Science Examination for Primary 2. This exam is scheduled for First Term of an academic session. It entails topics on tools, equipment, fruits and crops… Read more
PVS Home Economics Exam Primary 3 (1st Term)
Hello! Take the Prevocational studies examination for home economics primary 3 for first term. The exam include topics on textile, clothing and culture, weather etc. Enjoy and share with friends. Read more
Mathematics exam Primary 3 (First term)
Hello, this is math examination for primary 3. This examination is for the 1st term. It consist of topics such as: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Money and conversion among other mathematical… Read more
CRS Examination primary 3 (1st term)
This is the Christian Religious Studies Examination for primary 3. This examination is scheduled for 1st terms. It consist of the story of the good Shepard by Jesus Christ. Do… Read more
Agricultural Science Exam Primary 3 – First Term
This is the Agricultural Science examination for Primary 3. This exam is for the first term of the session. Have fun and share with friends. Read more
BST Technology Exam Primary 3 (first term)
Welcome. This is the Basic Science and Technology examination in Technology. The exam is for primary 3 for the first term of the session. Read more
BST Science Exam Primary 3 (First Term)
This is the Basic Science and Technology (Science) examination for Primary 3. This examination is for first term. Do enjoy and share with friends. Read more